Parents/Guardians, and Students, All students must be in dress code each day. Attached is an abbreviated list of the school dress code, we thank you for your partnership in ensuring student compliance, and continued success at VVHS.
Student Dress Code
- Masks must be appropriately worn (over the nose and mouth) at all times, when social distancing is not possible.
• No open holes in pants: Must be covered by patch stitched in, leggings underneath, or fray that does not expose skin. (No temporary Coverings)
• Shorts must not be shorter than the end of finger tips with arms fully extended down.
• No see through garment of any kind is allowed
• Tattoos completely covered at all times including extracurricular activities
• No Hats, hoodies, any kind of head covering, or sunglasses allowed to be worn in any Building
• No pajama tops or bottoms and No house shoes
• No saggy or baggy pants: Must be worn at waistline (No underwear showing)
• Boys: NO Piercings. Girls: Ear Piercings only (No gages of any kind and no covering with Bandaids, etc.
• No drug/alcohol/gang/sex related/non-school appropriate clothes/objects
• Hair must be a natural color: something a human can be born with
Boys: no sleeveless shirts.
• Must be clean shaven at all times, even under a mask.
• Hair no longer than bottom of earlobe, collar, & above eyebrows; & no ponytails/man buns. Etc…
Girls: Shirt straps no less than width of a dollar bill
• Hair should be kept out of eyes
• No exposure of midriff, cleavage, or excessively tight clothing including tights/leggings/etc.
• Skirts and shorts not shorter than the end of the extended fingertip.