Monday, October 19, 2020
Good morning !!!
Just a friendly reminder that your Leopard Credit Union is now open for your financial needs. They will be here on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
8-3:30. Stop by and talk to them about opening up an account or if you have an account with Baycel already you can also access your account there as well. You can open your account here at school, there is no need to drive to the main branch. They are looking forward to serving the students and staff of VVISD. Check them out and see what fun and exciting things are going on for the month of October.
Leopards for Christ every Thursday in Coach Birchum’s room at 7:30.
Seniors- Go to your Google Classroom Class of 2021 Counselor's Corner and have you and your parents sign up for the Remind 101 group of Prograd 2021.
Class Code @2g88
Information for ProGrad will be listed on here for you and your parents.
3. Fair paperwork for livestock is due to the fair by October 22nd. In order to show under FFA you must have paid your dues and you will need two signatures by an ag teacher
4. Seniors need to bring baby pictures to Mrs. Sliva or Mrs. Rodgers as soon as possible? The slide show will be next week.
5. Congratulations to Miss Kathryn L. She has tried out for the Region Honor Choir and has made 6th chair in the soprano section.
6. Students, when you come to the front office, use the door on the right going into the front office. Do not come to the window