Monday, August 24, 2020
1. Students, if you park on campus, you must have a tag. You can pick up forms
at the front office. Everyone should have a tag by Monday, August 24 th or
run the risk of being booted. To remove the boot, it will cost you $25. Also,
if you park in the student parking lot you must enter the school through the
cafeteria, not the front door.
2. This past weekend the Lady Leps cross country team took 1st place in the
Brazosport meet. Congrats to Emilee S., Rylee J. and Claire
A. for finishing in the top 10. CONGRATULATIONS LADIES!!!!!!
3. There will be a Leopard Players Drama Club meeting on Tuesday, August
25th at 3:30 in the Black Box Theater. Anyone wishing to join the drama
club should attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend due to an
athletic practice but are still interested, see Mrs. Smith anytime prior to
the meeting. You do not have to be enrolled in a theatre class to join the
drama club.
4. There will be a brief meeting to discuss officer elections with all existing
student council members today at 3:20 in Coach Kile’s room. This meeting
will not last long, so please try to arrive on time.
Announcements 8/24/2020
August 24, 2020