Check out the list of scholarships that are currently available for seniors to apply for! There are even a couple for sophomores and juniors who are interested in dual credit courses next year!
\r\nSee the following link on Mrs. Button's Counselor's Corner to find a list of all scholarships we currently have out.
There are paper copies of the scholarships (that are not strictly online applications) across from Mrs. Button's office.
Tips for a successful scholarship season:
* Don't wait until the last minute to ask for letters of recommendation and transcripts.
* Save copies of your essays so you can edit as needed for each individual application.
* APPLY for as many as you are eligible for! You never know what the committee is looking for!
* Ask Mrs. Button if you have any questions!
Make sure you are on Mrs. Button's Remind App for up-to-date information on scholarships, and other important information!