Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Want more adventure in your life? Come find out about Venturing Crew 316 on Tuesday, November 19th, at 3:30 after school in the cafeteria.
Starting Monday, Dec 2, there will be snacks and drinks available for sale after school in the front office.
There are sodas available in Mrs. Porter’s room after school. 20 oz bottles for $2.
Today FFA will be having their annual Hamburger Cook. All dues paying FFA members and high school staff are welcome.
If you are interested in U.I.L Number Sense Please see Mrs. Porter
If you are interested in being in UIL Literary Criticism or UIL Spelling - please see Mrs. Rivera. This competition is in March
Registration for our Future Leps Youth Basketball will be the entire month of November. Late registration will be the first week of December. help with our volunteer coaches would be greatly appreciated! If you would like to coach or ref, feel free to jump in.
Seniors- senior serve packets are in the front office for you to pick up. You may turn them into the front office.
Seniors-If you turned in pictures to Mrs. Bludau for the slide show, please go by her room and pick them up.
December 3rd is our next blood Drive. If you are interested in donating please sign up during lunch with a Student Council Member
Project Grad meetings- Monday, December 2 and January 6 are very important meetings. Please try to attend. 7 pm in the high school cafeteria.
Any girl interested in power lifting, needs to meet in Coach Birchum’s room on Thursday during the breakfast break.
Regular shows for Will & Whimsy will be Thurs 21st & Fri 22nd at 7 pm. Tickets available at the door will be $5 for adults & $3 for students. Dinner theatre will be Sat 23rd at 6:30. Tickets for dinner theatre are only available as presale from a cast member or Mrs. Smith.