Announcements 10/23/2019
To help alleviate parking issues for elementary donuts for dads on Friday, October 25th, ALL VVHS students and staff will park at the back of the school on that day only. Teachers will park directly behind the bandhall/cafeteria, and students will park on the new concrete between the stadium and back of the school. This will be for that day ONLY, Friday, October 25th.
Happy Wednesday! It is so good to see everyone in camo as we want to MAKE DRUGS DISAPPEAR! Do not forget to dress up tomorrow as everyone is going to wear his or her favorite book or movie character! We care about your future and want everyone to have good character & to be successful!”
Seniors, please turn in pictures for the senior slide show by this Friday to Mrs. Bludau.
Leopards for Christ meet every Thursday at 7:30 am in Coach Birchum’s room
All in For Christ will meet on Wednesday’s at 6;45 am in Coach Hanson’s room.
Any student interested in taking dual credit next semester—There is a list of requirements you must completer before you can be enrolled in a dual credit class.
You must apply and be accepted to WCJC, take and pass your TSI test. For more information, see Mrs. Button and the Counselor’s Corner on the VVHS website.
Drama Club dues are due by November 15th to Mrs. Smith. They are $20.
Seniors, the FAFSA application opened up on October 1st. Every senior should complete an application to see what they are eligible for. The FAFSA is necessary for grants and scholarships through colleges and universities, financial aid, and work study programs, which is working on the campus at your college. Check out Mrs. Button’s Counselor Corner on the VVHS website for more information.