October 17, 2019
Seniors - There are 2 sign ups on Mrs. Button's Google Classroom. One is for the BCHS College Fair in November, the other is for Senior Day at WCJC in February. The WCJC list is due this week. The lists will be cut off at a certain number, so sign up soon to make sure you secure your spot to go!
If you have questions, let Mrs. Button know.
Leopards for Christ will meet on Thursdays in Coach Birchum’s room at 7:30 am
Seniors - The FAFSA application opened up on October 1st! Every senior should complete an application to see what they are eligible for. The FAFSA is necessary for grants and scholarships through colleges and universities, financial aid, and work study programs (which is working on campus at your college). Check out Mrs. Button's Counselor Corner on the VVHS website for more information.
Any Students interested in taking dual credit next semester - There are a list of requirements you must complete before you can be enrolled in a dual credit class. You must apply and be accepted to WCJC, and take and pass your TSI test. For more information, see Mrs. Button and the Counselor's Corner on the VVHS site
Interested in Study Abroad and seeing Europe in 2021? Please come to the interest meeting Thursday Oct 17th 6 PM - in cafeteria. RSVP with Mrs. Porter
This week is the Pink Out game and we invite you all to attend Friday's football game in pink to show your support to those who are fighting, who have survived, and who have lost their lives to Breast Cancer.
The cheerleaders are holding a Miss VVHS Pageant during the Pink Out pep rally. The contestants are walking around school all week with purses to collect donations for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The contestant who collects the most donations will be crowned Miss VVHS at Friday's pep rally. Last year we collectively raised over $700 and we would love to beat that amount this year.
Drama club dues are due by Nov 15th to Mrs .Smith they are $20