Monday, August 26, 2019
1. This week is our first football game
of the year and it's at home against the
Boling Bulldogs!
The cheerleaders and I invite you to
participate in this week's theme day on
Friday: "Blind the Bulldogs"! Each class is
assigned a neon color to wear all day on
Friday and at the pep rally to help show
their support and spirit for the Leopard
football team.
Freshmen: Neon Green
Sophomores: Neon Yellow
Juniors: Neon Pink
Seniors: Neon Orange
2. registration packets are due back to the front office by Tuesday, September
3rd . You may bring them to the front office and put them in a basket on the counter. Please don’t leave any papers that belong to your teachers. These might get thrown away. I only want the registration packet I handed out.
3. You must have a permit to park on campus. Forms are hanging by the door of the front office. Please fill out the form, have your parents sign and return it to the front office with your drivers license and proof of insurance. Vehicles without permits by September 3rd are subject to being booted. If you are booted, you must pay $25 to remove it.
5. If you are interested in getting a locker, please come to the front office.
6. There will be a Swim Team parent
meeting on Wednesday, August 28th from 5-6 pm in the cafeteria. Swimmers must have all athletic forms and a physical on file. There is a sign up sheet outside Mr. Townsend's door.
8. Student council dues are due by August 30th . First meeting will be September 3 rd after school.
9. If you wish to join drama club, the sign up is outside the office on the bulletin board.
10. Rice Festival Pageant applications and Hospital Student Governing Board applications are posted on Counselor Corner and outside Mrs. Button’s office.
11. Open House Is Tuesday September 3, 2019 6 pm-7 pm