For those athletes who have not received a physical yet, we will have a mass physical day beginning 7th period on Tuesday, August 18th. Physical forms will be sent home the first day of school in athletics. Cost is $15 cash. Please bring correct change and it will be collected in athletics by the coaches and receipts will be given. Athletes may not participate without a physical. If you have questions please email the O.H.H.M.S. Athletic Coordinator Coach McClelland at All 7th grade athletes need physicals.
All practices will begin Wednesday, August 19th.
Football: after school until 4:45p.m..
Volleyball: 8th grade at 6:45a.m.(arrive at 6:30). 7th grade after school until 4:45p.m..
Mandatory parent meeting will be Wednesday, August 19th, for all athletes, 5:00p.m., in the gym.
Coach McClelland