Dear Student:
We welcome you and look forward to seeing you Monday, August 17, 2020. This is going to be a great year and we will make it through these challenging times.
You will find your schedule in Parent Portal. Guardians of students may email Mrs. Weathers at regarding adding or dropping a class. Please read the following concerning your schedule:
● All schedule changes must be approved by the principal, counselor, and parent/guardian when requesting a schedule change.
● Schedules will not be changed after the first 10 days of the semester.
On the first day of school, after entering the building through the bus or car rider entry points, 6th grade will report to the cafeteria, 7th grade will report to the gym, and 8th grade will report to the band hall. Face coverings and social distancing will be practiced, and students will receive their official schedule while waiting in these designated areas. We will then have a staggered release to first period by grade level practicing social distancing. Staff will review all of the rules and guidelines as set forth by Van Vleck I.S.D. and the Texas Education Agency. The handbook and bell schedule is available on the Van Vleck O.H.H.M.S. school website located at or available upon request in the front office.
Mode of Learning must remain the same throughout each grading cycle. Toward the end of the 1st Grading Cycle, you will have the option to choose between face-to-face learning or virtual learning for the next grading cycle. Students that will be virtual learners will have the same requirements as face-to-face learners. All virtual students learning from home must be in attendance during all instructional times - i.e. they will follow the bell schedule and log in at their class time for attendance and learning purposes.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 979-318-7780.
Brandon Hood, Principal