2023-2024 VVJH 7th Grade School Supply List
General Supplies
2 packages Map colors
2 scotch tape
Pens - multiple colors for notes
Pencils 1 large pack
Clorox wipes (pack of 4)
Highlighters - several different colors
1 pencil pouch
Earbuds/Headphones (recommend a hard carrying case for protection, such as a plastic travel soap container or sunglass holder)
4 boxes Kleenex
Optional: wireless mouse (to use with Chromebook)
1 package of plastic dividers with pockets
2 in binder
Supplies Specific to Core Classes:
Language Arts- (General Supplies)
Dry erase markers
1 composition book
(4)4x6 note cards, lined, white
1 subject college ruled spiral Notebook
Tech App
1 composition book or spiral