It was all smiles at Van Vleck ISD this week as the district celebrated the official groundbreaking ceremony to signify the beginning of construction for the brand new Van Vleck Elementary (PK-5) building. Excitement was in the air as students, staff, and guests gathered together under beautiful, blue skies! Construction is happening all over the district and everyone is looking forward to the opening of all new schools beginning in 2020.
\r\nSuperintendent of schools, John R. O'Brien, greets the crowd and thanks everyone who has helped make this dream come true for the students, staff, and community of Van Vleck.
\r\nThe students and staff from Van Vleck Elementary and E Rudd Intermediate eagerly await the start of the ceremony!
\r\nMembers of the original Bond Facilities Planning Team are proud to partake in the ceremony and are excited for what is to come for our students, staff, and community!
\r\nVVISD student council members are all smiles!
\r\nSeveral more pictures will be posted to our VVISD Facebook. Be sure to tag yourself! #leopardnation