High School Updates - All STAAR EOCs were completed as of Friday, May 11th. On Tuesday, May 8th, students were scheduled to take the Biology EOC, but due to an issue where ETS (Educational Testing Service) reported that the Google Chrome Application was deleted, we had to move this test to Friday, May 11th.
Grades 3-8 Updates - On Monday, May 14th students in grades 3-8 took the STAAR Math test without any issues. All students successfully completed assessment that day. On Tuesday, May 15th, students in grades 3-8 took the STAAR Reading test. At approximately 8:45am, students testing online began to experience issues. Our technology department and director of assessment worked diligently to ensure the issue was not due to any problems at the local level. The director of assessment contacted the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to report the issues. The ETS representative stated, "There is a state widespread problem and it is being investigated at this time. There currently is no fix, but please continue to check the dashboard for updated information." The staff worked hard to keep all students calm and focused. Those who were able to log into the system and begin testing did so. Those who were still having trouble kept trying until their computers finally worked. At 11:21 am an email was sent from the Texas Education Agency that acknowledged the issues ETS was having with connectivity issues. It also noted that as of 11:04 a.m., the problems were resolved and all students should be able to test online with no issues. All students at Van Vleck ISD were able to log in and continue testing as of 10:19 a.m. 5th and 8th grade science testing and 8th grade social studies testing are still slated for May 16th and 17th.
If you have any questions about STAAR Testing, please contact your campus administrator.