Pictured above - Mike Meyers, our Industry Partner with Jackson Electric, performs an awesome and "powerful" demonstration with his team for our SOS participants. This was one of many experiments and demonstrations featured.
On Wednesday, February 21, 2018, the Nuclear Power Institute sponsored a Spotlight on Science (SOS) event from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Van Vleck High School cafeteria. SOS is an interactive science event that that engages the young (K-12) and young at heart in hands-on science experiments and demonstrations. Participants had the opportunity to test their science knowledge and put their teamwork skills to use as they attempt to “Escape the Classroom” by solving science-related clues before time runs out. The program was led by local educators and Van Vleck High School POWER SET (Powerful Opportunities for Women Eager and Ready for Science, Engineering, and Technology) and WIT (Workforce Industry Training) members and is supported by Phillips 66, Tenaris, Lyondellbasell, Jackson Electric Cooperative, South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), Women in Nuclear, Texas OnCourse, the University of Houston-Victoria, and Wharton County Junior College. The program was free to attend and open to the public. Students, educators, industry partners, parents, and community members had a great time! Great job to Powerset Sponsor: Mollie Huber, Professional Counselor and WIT Sponsor: Victor Pena, VVHS Science Teacher/Coach as well as all the VVISD staff, students, volunteers, community members, higher ed representatives, NPI, and local industry partners for making it a wonderful event.