
Parents/Guardians & Staff,

If needed, the following information has been made available to you for convenience:

COVID-19 Information, Testing, and Resources

Click here to see COVID-19 public information from Matagorda Regional Medical Center.

Copied from the link above: Anyone may choose to seek testing through another provider in Matagorda County such as the Matagorda Medical Group (MMG)MEHOPPCMC, or any number of local physicians who offer COVID-19 testing services. In addition, you may consider one of Texas’ many COVID-19 Test Collection Sites or visit another regional facility for testing. As always, you are advised to call ahead to confirm that testing will be available to you, as many healthcare facilities across Texas are struggling to manage resources or may require a tele-health visit or screening or in-person visit or screening before testing is ordered.

Click here to see an interactive map of approved testing sites in Texas.

CVS and many Urgent Cares across the greater Houston area also have testing available.

Reminder: Please notify VVISD Health Services if you plan to get your student tested or have gotten them tested and are waiting on results. The student and household members (including staff and siblings) should quarantine until results are back. If your student is a close contact to a positive case, the student should continue to quarantine through day 10 since last exposure regardless of the test results and should continue to be hypervigilant by keeping track of symptoms, temperature checking, social distancing, hand hygiene, and wearing a mask through day 14. For instance; testing negative on day 5 doesn't mean you can't show symptoms or test positive on day 10. For guidance on this, please contact the District RN.

Christmas Break Update

For COVID-19 or Illness related questions or concerns over the Christmas break, including if your student is considered to be close contact with a positive case, tests for COVID-19, receives a positive or negative test result, or any other inquiry regarding COVID-19...contact Lyndee Owen, BSN, RN via email at healthservices@vvisd.org or call 979-245-8518 option 4 and leave a voicemail prior to returning in-person on January 11, 2021. Nurse Owen will be sure to get back with you as soon as possible to aid in your student’s safe return to school. 


We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Stay safe & healthy,


VVISD Heath Services