On November 1, Van Vleck High School POWER SET organization held its annual Induction Ceremony with an international twist. In addition to 6 new members from VVHS, 4 honorary members from Japan were inducted. Receiving honorary membership were Dr. Iimoto Takeshi from The University of Tokyo; Dr. Genichiro Wakabayashi from Kindai University; Ms. Rieko Takaki,; and Ms. Kayo Makabe from the Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization.\r\n
\r\nThe team from Japan was visiting Texas in collaboration with the Nuclear Power Institute (NPI) and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station. After the induction ceremony, where all new and honorary members received the pearl necklace symbolic of POWER SET, students and adults enjoyed lunch together.
\r\nPOWER SET is an acronym for Powerful Opportunities for Women Eager and Ready for Science, Engineering, and Technology. To become a member of this group, students must have reached advanced achievement on their Biology or Algebra I STAAR EOC, have a 3.5 GPA or greater, and be enrolled in at least two advanced classes.