COVID-19 Update
\r\nMarch 12, 2020\r\n
\r\nAs of today, March 12th, Van Vleck ISD will resume classes on Monday, March 16th. We are following the guidance of the CDC and the Texas Department of State Health Services. In response to recent events, we ask that you be cautious and limit your exposure to high-risk areas and events.
\r\nVan Vleck ISD is asking that all students/families who traveled in the last 14 days to a location outside the US, please notify the district nurse via email BEFORE their child returns to school on Monday, March 16th. Mrs. Lyndee Owen’s email is If you have any health questions or concerns, you may also contact Mrs. Owen via email. The Texas Education Agency reminded school officials on March 6th that "districts have the authority to request that students and/or staff stay home if there is serious concern about their current health, whether or not they pose a health risk to others in the community." For the time being, these decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
\r\nCleaning/Disinfecting of All Facilities and Vehicles\r\n
\r\nOver Spring Break, all VVISD facilities and buses received a deep cleaning/disinfecting of high-touch surfaces such as door handles, railings, student desks, computer keyboards, and bus seats.
\r\nThe Centers for Disease Control recommends the following actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases:\r\n
\r\n● Avoid close contact with people who are sick.\r\n
\r\n● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.\r\n
\r\n● Stay home when you are sick.\r\n
\r\n● Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.\r\n
\r\n● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular \r\n
\r\nhousehold cleaning spray or wipe.\r\n
\r\n● Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after \r\n
\r\ngoing to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or \r\n
\r\n● When cleaning hands, if soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-\r\n
\r\nbased hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and \r\n
\r\nwater if hands are visibly dirty.
\r\nCoronavirus Resources/Web Links\r\n
\r\nTexas Department of State Health Services -\r\n
\r\nTravel Advisory - CDC - \r\n
\r\nCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -\r\n
\r\nCDC Recommendation for Self Quarantine -
\r\nThank you for your patience as we navigate this changing situation. We will continue to be transparent and keep you updated, as the need arises.\r\n