Launching the Next Generation\r\n
\r\nThe task of educating more than 5.4 million Texas students can seem overwhelming. The idea of 5.4 million young minds relying on us to provide what they will need to succeed in their ever-unfolding future can feel insurmountable. But when we were children, the adults in our world provided for us, and now it is our turn to provide for today’s students.
\r\nWhile educating children may not be rocket science, it is a complex, demanding responsibility: ensuring that schools are available, qualified teachers are in place, buildings are safe, and resources are provided. It’s a responsibility that locally elected board members generously accept. They commit to read reports, learn the laws, understand the community’s needs, set thoughtful goals, and wisely handle the district’s financial resources.
\r\nBut it isn’t just a simple commitment. Serving as a locally elected board member means going through an election and making difficult decisions for the district, its employees, and its children. It means being available to hear from concerned parents in the grocery store, at the game, or over the backyard fence. It means committing to the time it takes to do the job right. And in Texas there is no pay for school board members, and there are required training requirements, creating further demands on their time. In short, why would anyone volunteer for this role?
\r\nFortunately, in every community, caring adults have signed on for the responsibility and hard work of making our schools the best they can be. They immerse themselves in learning what they need to know to make good decisions that will provide for students, from the very youngest to the graduating senior. Trustees are public servants who generously work to benefit the most vulnerable members of each community.
\r\nTake a moment to recognize our local VVISD School Trustees. Take a moment to honor the work they are doing to help our students blast off into the future. Take a moment to say thank you for the work school board members are doing on your behalf.
\r\nJoin me in celebrating School Board Recognition Month throughout the month of January.\r\n