State 3A Baseball Area Playoff Series
Van Vleck vs Pollok Central
Game 1 (May 10th @ 8 pm)
Game 2 (May 11th @ 4 pm)
Game 3 will follow...if needed
Playoff Guidelines for Crosby Complex:
\r\nPlease advise parents and fans that NO food/drink is to be brought into the complex. This is a school campus, so no alcohol will be permitted in the complex. This same will apply to smoking, it is not allowed on campus.\r\n
\r\nWe do NOT allow metal spikes or molded cleats on ANY mound, this includes the bullpen mounds. Flats or turf shoes ONLY on the mounds. Other than the mounds, molded cleats, metal spikes, turf shoes, or flats may be worn by your players.\r\n
\r\nIf your team uses J-Bands or any type of band, please only use in the bullpen area only. Do not allow them to use them on the playing field side of the fence at anytime. \r\n
\r\nAbsolutely no soft toss is allowed on any fence in the facility, please make sure this not allowed by your players. All hitting activities should be done inside the batting cage area. Please assist us with keeping this area clean by leaving nothing behind. No spikes in the hitting area as well, only flats or turfs. \r\n
\r\nNo food is allowed to be brought into the complex....\r\n
\r\nNo unshelled nuts are allowed in the facility (ie...sunflower seeds, peanuts, pistachios, etc.) and no gum once you enter the player area gates. The constant neglect to this policy has made it necessary for the district to fine the school responsible $100 per occurrence. Please help keep our facility a beautiful place for the kids to come play. \r\n
\r\nPlayers and coaches are the only ones allowed past the gates leading to each dugout, we will need your assistance in making sure this happens. Your security will need to help with this. Administrator will also pay attention to this. \r\n
\r\nPlease keep your players from jumping over the railing in the dugouts. Shoes tend to catch the padding and ruin the pad. Please advise your players that climbing the outfield walls are not allowed. Yes we had one want to climb the wall during warm ups and used his spikes to do so. \r\n
\r\nPlease understand that the fields are labeled as follows. \r\n
\r\nCompetition Softball Field - Field 1\r\n
\r\nCompetition Baseball Field - Field 2\r\n
\r\nAuxiliary Baseball Field - Field 3\r\n
\r\nAuxiliary Softball Field - Field 4\r\n
\r\nThis is a small issue, but will help people know where they are going. \r\n
\r\nGood Luck and we hope you enjoy playing at The Ballparks In Crosby! \r\n